The Most Common Work-Related Injuries and How to Avoid Them
Find Out Which Injuries Can You Expect At Your Workplace
Working in a factory, office, or any other workplace can be dangerous. According to the National Safety Council, there are about 150,000 work-related fatalities each year in the United States. While many of these deaths are from accidents, thousands of workers also suffer from injuries each year. This Occupational medicine doctor will tell us which of these injuries are the most common ones.
Slip and Fall Injuries: Slip and fall injuries are the most common type of work-related injury, accounting for about 25% of all occupational injuries. They can range from minor scrapes to more serious fractures or even deaths. To avoid slip and fall injuries, always pay attention to your surroundings in the workplace and be sure to use handrails when climbing stairs or ladders. Make sure that walkways are clear of any debris that could cause a hazard.
Repetitive Motion Injuries: Repetitive motion injuries account for up to 20% of all work-related injuries and occur from doing the same task over and over again without taking breaks or stretching between tasks. To avoid these types of injuries, make sure to take regular breaks and stretch during the day.
Musculoskeletal Disorders: Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) account for nearly 15% of all work-related injuries. These include strains, sprains, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other muscular or skeletal overuse conditions. To avoid these types of injuries, use proper ergonomics when working, such as adjustable chairs and desks that fit your body’s natural curves and postures.
Heat Stress Injuries: Heat stress can occur in any workplace where temperatures are extremely high or the humidity is too low for a person to naturally cool their bodies down. Workers who work with hot machinery or in extremely warm environments should take frequent breaks and stay hydrated.
Contusions: Contusions, or bruises, can occur from repetitive tasks that involve using tools such as hammers or screwdrivers. To avoid contusions, wear protective gloves when working with these tools and be sure to use the correct techniques for using them.